Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015

iDempiere ERP

iDempiere Business Suite ERP software is one of the "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)" based Opensource which is derived from Adempiere with new architectural technology plus OSGI. Therefore iDempiere ERP is also known as "Adempiere ERP + OSGI". iDempiere Business Suite also has the functions "Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" and "Supply Chain Management (SCM)" in addition to all the functions that must be owned by a modern ERP application.

As with its predecessor (and Compiere Adempiere) iDempiere Business Suite can be configured, implemented and adjusted appropriately in a business process and can work well to handle cases outside of standard business processes, especially for Small Medium Business / Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Features additional features can be installed in the form of a plugin so that we do not have to install all of them to be able to get a lean system as required by the user company.

Community iDempiere current ERP is one of the most active forum for ERP opensource community. To get iDempiere ERP software can be downloaded for free in http://www.idempiere.org/download while the source code can be downloaded at: https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere

History of iDempiere began when in 2000 Compiere ERP project made by an American company called Compiere Inc. led by Jorg Jankee be the first software-based Open Source ERP. But in its development evolved into an application Compiere paid (though still providing a free community version), this encourages Compiere community (at that time) to create instances of the existing source code and named Adempiere. Adempiere ERP project to be one of the most active open source until now. Starting from the differences of opinion between some developers Adempiere, eventually some developers Adempiere has chosen to develop a new project named iDempiere, where this project was initially a project initiated Low Heng Sin and later supported by Carlos Ruiz, Redhuan On and followed by the developers and contributors Adempiere another. After approximately four years developing this project brings iDempiere up at a steady rate and can be used at the production level.
Currently iDempiere has reached version 2.1 and is planning to release version 3.0


Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015

ADempiere Installation on Windows 7

Adempiere ERP installation on Windows systems is not difficult, however, there are still many who have difficulty in installation. The following tutorial is aimed at novice users who need a step by step guide for installation Adempiere Windows.Catatan 3.60 on the operating system: In Windows 7 make sure you have administrator privileges

Installation Preparation

Before installing Adempiere, the necessary preparations are as follows:

1. Prepare the PC Specifications: Processor minimum Pentium 4 with at least 512 MB of memory for training and a minimum of 1GB for the production, which of course if you have a computer with higher specifications, the better the outcome will be, and is recommended for production use a RAID system hard drive.

2. Prepare Java JDK1.6 installation file that you can download for free at: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk6.jsp
In our example we will use the JDK 1.6.0_10

3. Prepare the latest version of the PostgreSQL installation file that can be downloaded for free in http://www.postgresql.org/, in the example we will use PostgreSQL version

4. Prepare the installation files 3.6.0 LTS Adempiere ERP software that can be downloaded for free at:

Begin the installation process Install JDK 1.6

1. Prepare the Java JDK 1.6 installation file that you have downloaded (or if not, you can download at: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk6.jsp)
Note: in our example uses file-i586.exe JDK6u10-windows, you can use this version or a more baru.2. Run / Double-click the file JDK6u10-windows-i586.exe (the file name may differ depending on the date of the latest update) downloaded above. Then the file will be extracted for the preparation of the installation, as shown in the following figure:


Picture 1

3. Press Next to continue the installation process

Picture 2

4. Select  “ Accept “ for License Agreement and continue.

Picture 3

5. Next, you are prompted to select packages to be installed (or press Next to install typically). By default the application will be installed
development tools, demo files, source code, and the Public JRE. You must choose Development Tools to install, while Demos, Source Code, and the Public JRE you do not have to choose, apabla you do not want to install simply select the drop-down and select Do not install this feature now.
You also have to choose the location of the installation, the default installation location where the windows are in C: \ Program files \ the location of the installation in our example is in C: \ Program files \ java \ JDK1.6.0_10 \ (if desired you can change to another location according to your needs)

Picture 4

6. Installation in progress , wait a moment

Picture 5

7. Next, you are prompted to select the folder where you want to install the JRE. The default installation location is C: \ Program files \ Java \ jre6 \.
Note: Please note the location because it will be used in subsequent installations.

Picture 6

8. Installation in progress, wait a moment.

Picture 7

9. Click "Finish" and the installation process is finished.

Setting Environment
After installing Java selsai JDK6, then we have to set the first environment of the computer that will be used. For that please go to System Properties via the menu Settings & gt; Control Panel & gt; System & gt; Advanced system settings (Figure 2.8).

1. Go to Control Panel & gt; System & gt; Advanced & gt; Environment Variable, select System Variable and press "New" and then add the Path value above (Figure.9).

Picture 8


Pircture 9
2. Then, in the same way, select New and add a variable as follows:

a. For Adempiere Server, enter the following variables:
Variable Name = JAVA_HOME,
Variable Value = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ Jdk1.6.0_10

Select new again and enter the following variables:
Variable Name = ADEMPIERE_HOME
Variable Value = C: \ Adempiere

b. For Adempiere Client, enter the following variables:
Variable Name = JAVA_HOME,
Variable Value = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ Jre1.6.0_10

Select new again and enter the following variables:
Variable Name = ADEMPIERE_HOME
Variable Value = C: \ Adempiere

3. Then select the path and press "Edit", and add the following path:
a. For Adempiere Server, add the following path:

% JAVA_HOME% \ bin;% JAVA_HOME% \ jre \ bin \ client; C: \ Program Files \ PostgreSQL \ 8.4 \ bin

b. As for Adempire Client, add the following path:
% JAVA_HOME% \ bin;% JAVA_HOME% \ jre \ bin \ client

Picture 10

Note: The contents of the above parameters should be adjusted to the parameters of the installation on your computer. To check and verify you can run from a command prompt (Start & gt; Run & gt; Cmd) command:
C: & gt; SET
And to check the path you can run the command:
C: & gt; Path

Installation Database Adempiere PostgreSQLUntuk can run, you need a database. Where in the example below we will install the PostgreSQL database with the following steps:
1. Prepare the PostgreSQL installation file that you have downloaded (or if not, you can download it at: http://www.postgresql.org), which in this example we will use version 8.4.2 with the file name postgresql-8.4. 2-1-windows

Note: In our example we will use the version 8.4.21. You can use the same version or newer updates when available.
Furthermore Please double-click the file postgresql-8.4.2-1-windows

Picture .11

2. Select “Next” to start Installation

Picture 12

3. Select directory or press “Next” for default selection

Picture 13
4. Type your password 2 times and press next.

Picture 14

5.  Type the Port you want to use or press next to use defalt value.

Gambar 15

6. Pilih locale untuk digunakan cluster database baru.

Picture 16

7. Press “Next” to start postgreSQL installation.

Gambar 17

8. Selanjutnya instalasi berlangsung

Picture 18

9. After installation process finished, this dialog will appear:

Picture 19

10. Installation process Completed, press Next to finished it. Create new User and Database

1. After you install PostgreSQL, you must create a user and database in postgresql. To that run pgAdminIII by double-clicking pqAdminIII of menĂº windows.
2. Connect to postgresql, by pressing the right-click and select connect.

Picture 20

3. Type your password.

Gambar 21

4. Right-click on Login Role, and create a new Login Role, with the name "Adempiere" and password "Adempiere".

Picture 225. Masuk ke tab Role previledge kemudian pilih tingkatan hak akses: “superuser”, “Can create database object”, “Can create roles”, “Can modify catalog directly”,

Picture 23

6. Next, right-click on the database and create a new database with the name "Adempiere" by owner "Adempiere" and "UTF8 encoding":

Picture 24

7. In addition, you can also specify the IP address that will accept connections. Suppose you want the connection to be received through the IP then open them postgresql.conf file and find the setting to "Connection Settings", then enter your IP address is as follows ::

Connection Settings
listen_addresses = '' # what IP address (es) to listen on * = all

Picturer 25
If you want to receive all IP available on your server, replace the IP address with a "*".

8. Add the IP you are in the file pg_hba.conf. For example, suppose your computer's IP is then add the following lines:
host all all trust

host all all trust # This is the IP of your computer.

Picture 26

This will make the computer a computer on a network that is one segment of the computer you will be received by the computer / server.

9. Stop and restart PostgreSQL Install Adempiere Server

1. Unzip / Extract Adempiere_360LTS.zip into the folder C: \ Adempiere

Picture 27

2. Open Command prompt,

Picture 27a

3. Run the command:

Gambar 28

4. This window will shown:

Picture 29
5. Fill the parameters according to your computer configuration. Enter = postgresql database type, database name = Adempiere and include postgresql admin password (which you entered during installation of Postgre SQL). If all parameters have been tested and were all out checkmark, press "Save"

6. From the Command Prompt, run the following command:
C: \ Adempiere \ Utils \ Run_ImportAdempiere.bat

7. Next run the command:
C: \ Adempiere \ Run_Adempiere.bat it will show Windows as follows:

Pict 30
Select the database type: postgresql then input the name of your host.

8. Press the test Test Application Server and Database. In order for this process is successful, check whether the Application Server and Database already Running.

Note: To run the Application Server on your computer, you must run the command: C: \ Adempiere \ Utils \ RUN_Server2.bat
As for running PostgreSQL (if not running automatically) by clicking on the menu: Start & gt; Programs & gt; PostgreSQL 8.4 & gt; Start Server

9. If all is OK (marked with a green check mark), press Check. If all goes well, will appear the following window:

Pict 31

10. Press OK 

Pict 32

11. Press OK,

Pict 33

If you've seen look like the picture 33 above, then Congratulations !! you've managed to install Adempiere 3.60LTS

Hopefully this article can be useful for users Adempiere INDONESIA. 

Agung BS

ADempiere Indonesia ordinary user

Join  Adempiere iDempiere Study Group Indonesia 

ERP, Modern Business Needs

ERP, Modern Business Needs

ERP or Enterprise Resource and Planning, is a system that integrates all resources and operations of the company so as to create an integrated and efficient system, so as to improve company performance.
With the ERP system each department within the company be able to function more efficiently, more quickly and precisely in the decision because all the necessary data is available, accurate and realtime. All departments can interact so as to produce positive synergies that can improve overall company performance.
Targets to be achieved from the implementation of the ERP system is a pressing cost / costs as low as possible, and to encourage sales / sales as high as possible, which means it will result in increased revenue / opinion of the company at an optimal point, of course it is this which is always desirable for all business owners. But then the question is: does that mean that all employers want an ERP system? it turns out the answer is No !, because not all successful ERP implementation

Increase in net profit to 100% ??

By implementing ERP, companies can reduce (or even eliminate unnecessary) costs of operating expenses from cost of purchases / procurement, inventory and warehouse costs, production costs, up to the cost of sales, accounting, personnel / HR and others.
Meanwhile in sales, with sales management and customer management / customer settings and monitoring sales systems can push sales up at an optimal point.
How much is the increase in revenue that can be obtained with the implementation of the ERP system? exact figures on what percentage increase that can be achieved is still a debate in many circles because it is something very subjectif, depending on the type of business enterprise and the conditions before and after using the ERP system.
At a company that is very wasteful and run it manually (tanpai system) increase net profit 100% is not impossible, because in addition to increase sales and reduce costs, management of inventory either in collaboration with the management of sales and purchases can reduce inventory as low as possible, so that settles capital will also be lower, which may result in a decrease in interest costs, the cost of storage, handling, and others.

ERP is most appropriate for your company ??
This question is a favorite question that is frequently asked. ERP is most appropriate for your company is the ERP that meets some of the following conditions:

1. In accordance with the Budget your company. Where this is an important requirement and the primary, because if the price is too expensive ERP implementation so that the company's financial drain, it could be the implementation of ERP is not a solution but instead accelerate the company toward bankruptcy. The price of an ERP implementation can range from tens of millions of rupiah to tens of billions of rupiah, depending on the type of ERP vendors, consultants qualifications, long implementation and complexity of implementation.
Pelu also noted that the annual fee should you spend on ERP applications you use, since generally each application ERP implementing annual fees which vary from 18 s / d 22% of the initial cost.

2. In accordance with your business Every ERP applications generally sought to be implemented in all types of industries although at first they departed from a particular type of business. For that look for information about the type of successful ERP implemented for companies that are similar to your company. ERP systems are most closely with your business processes to minimize the customization process will generally take no small cost. But this does not apply if you use open source ERP applications where the source code is available, so that the cost of customization is cheaper or even your own custom can do when able to do so.

3. Easy to maintain Implementation of the ERP system is not an objective, but rather is the beginning of a process of continuous improvement to achieve optimal conditions. Thus you will need a system that is easy to care / maintain, and which has been tested in various kinds of companies where this will prevent you from bugs and errors that often occur in the application of new types of applications. Subsequently seek the support of ERP systems are available, either from vendors directly or through consultants. Additionally look for ERP applications to master the technology, for example, if your HR expert in Java programming, Java-based ERP look.

4. Easy upgrade Every business will continue to evolve to follow the dynamics of the world economy, so the ERP system must always be able to follow the demands of companies in the following business dynamics. The ERP application to look for a dynamic and easy to upgrade.

5. Based on the latest technology in use ERP applications of course you do not want to annually replace the ERP system because the old one was obsulet / outdated, therefore look for ERP-based applications Latest technology, and features the features of today's business world demands and future , one of which is the availability of Web-based interface, online shop facility, integration with email, capable of dealing with multi-location database via the Internet and others

6. It has the smallest risk of loss should be recognized that not all ERP implementation process always works, where the failure of ERP implementation can be caused by many factors, ranging from technical constraints such as ERP systems are less suited to the business processes of the company or a non-technical constraints such as low penyerapa / reception HR to apply the new system (which is generally very different from the previous) or because other non-technical reasons. So if the company has invested substantial funds for implementation will become a major dilemma for the company, because if backward / void of the implementation of the investments already incurred, while large enough if the problem continued to be heavier. Imagine if the company had several billion rupiah fund menginvesasikan but apparently failed system implemented well, this certainly is a dilemma that is heavy enough for the company.

From the above information would be able to make a positive input for companies that are planning to implement ERP applications. Adempiere ERP application is one of the best option because it meets all the above criteria. But still a lack of knowledge and lack of user training event or training Adempiere often constrain the company to carry out exploration and implementation Adempiere system.

Agung Budi Santosa
Adempiere INDONESIA.  ordinary user